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Site Name Swains Lock - Canal
Water BodyChesapeake and Ohio Canal
Physical AddressSwains Lock Road
DirectionsFrom 495 take exit 39 for MD-190 west toward Potomac. Merge onto MD-190 (River Road) west. Left at Swains Lock Road.
Owner/Manager NameNational Park Service
Owner/Manager Phone301-739-4200
Owner/Manager Email 
# of Ramps0
# of Ramps ADA0
Ramp Width (Feet)0
Ramp SurfaceCONCRETE
Large BoatsNo
Vessel Size NotePlease note that "large boats" is intended as a general reference to ramp capacity. Generally, vessels less than 16 feet in length are considered small and those greater than 16 feet as large.
Soft LaunchYes
Soft Launch ADANo
# of Piers1
Transient UseNo
HoursOfOperationDawn to Dusk
Fee Or Permit RequiredNo
Parking Lot TypeGRAVEL
Parking Lot SizeMED 5 -20
# of Car Spaces10
# of Car Spaces ADA1
# ofTrailerSpaces0
# of Trailer Spaces ADA0
Turnaround AreaYes
Trash ServiceNo
Fuel on siteNo
Questions And UpdatesIf you have a question about this site, contact the management agency using the phone number or contact information provided above. Permit/launch fees can change without notice so this site does not list them. Any corrections or updates to the information above can be sent via e-mail to
Tide Information
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